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Rural crime continues to increase in 2018

Farms and estates are vulnerable to crime where it is often easy for thieves to get rich pickings due to the rural location and often inadequate security.

Farm machinery thefts are up 15% on 2017 according NFU Mutual's claims figures with over £40m in machinery thefts alone.  With farm machinery being the main target along with fuel and livestock, it’s important to be vigilant.

We have developed a range of simple solutions to help protect the above that can easily and cost effectively be installed with any existing alarm system.

Our weatherproof Security Loop (video below) links wirelessly to any existing alarm from up to 1km away. It acts as just another zone on your alarm panel.  It installs in no time, takes seconds for you to hook-up and unhook each day or as necessary.  Simply loop the cable through your vehicles or items you want to secure.

All your usual alarm features can be activated such as alerting you or the police as you require.

Other solutions aimed particularly at protecting farms and estates are:

  • External Beams to detect movement even through gaps in bushes using invisible lasers
  • Radio Links to extend the coverage of your alarms and CCTV
  • Perimeter Fencing and Gates to discourage intruders in the first place

At Falcon Security we have a wide range of solutions to protect all aspects of your farm or estate, so if you need any advice, please call us and we'll gladly come and carry out a free survey for you.